

This blog started when I volunteered at London’s Somerset House, a former Tudor royal palace, now an arts venue.   I wanted to share some of the things that make it a great thing to do.  I was particularly excited about their Fashioning Winter exhibition that opened in November 2014 and wanted to write about how I and the visitors perceived it.

Then I started documenting other fashion-related exhibitions in London, Paris and anywhere I encountered them.  As a long-time fashion devotee, my shelves brimming with Vogues, exhibition catalogues and design tomes, I love spending time with the exhibitions and helping others navigate them and enjoy them too.

I’ve gained a much better appreciation of the artisanship of the fashion industry and a desire to help to promote the work of those craftspeople, from haute couture to small and emerging designers.  I also have a love of vintage fashion – a source of the unique, the unusual and inspiring as well as being the sustainable choice in a world of over-consumption.

So this blog is my tribute to these gems of the fashion world, celebrating haute couture techniques, artisanship and vintage fashion.  I hope you enjoy discovering these treasures too.

You can find me on Twitter @Nellvoyager

Finally, the posts I write on the blog are my own genuine views.  I do not take free gifts in exchange for giving positive reviews and I do not endorse companies or organisations that I do not believe in or support myself.

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